Aquatic Therapy

Aquatic Therapy

New Horizons Recovery Center offers a unique service known as Aquatic Therapy, which utilizes the healing properties of water to aid in the recovery process. This innovative form of therapy allows individuals to engage in exercises and activities in a controlled pool environment, which can help improve physical strength, mobility, and overall well-being. The buoyancy of the water reduces stress on muscles and joints, making it an ideal option for those with chronic pain or limited mobility. Our team of experienced therapists are trained to design personalized aquatic therapy programs tailored to each individual's specific needs and goals. Clients can enjoy the benefits of improved circulation, flexibility, and endurance while experiencing a sense of relaxation and rejuvenation in the water. Aquatic therapy at New Horizons Recovery Center is a valuable tool in promoting holistic healing and recovery for those seeking to improve their physical and mental health.

Hydrotherapy vs. Aquatic Therapy

Hydrotherapy and aquatic therapy are often used interchangeably, but they have distinct differences. Hydrotherapy typically involves the use of water for healing purposes, such as hot tubs, whirlpools, and steam rooms. It focuses on the effects of water temperature and pressure on the body to promote relaxation and relieve muscle tension.

On the other hand, aquatic therapy specifically refers to physical therapy exercises and activities performed in a pool or other aquatic environment. This form of therapy utilizes the physical properties of water, such as buoyancy and resistance, to facilitate movement and improve strength and flexibility. Aquatic therapy is prescribed by healthcare professionals to address specific rehabilitation or therapeutic goals for individuals with various conditions and injuries.

Different Modalities

Aquatic therapy offers a variety of modalities. One such modality is water aerobics, which involves performing exercises in the water to improve cardiovascular fitness, strength, and flexibility. The buoyancy of water reduces stress on the joints, making it an ideal option for individuals with arthritis or joint pain. Another modality is Ai Chi, a form of aquatic exercise that combines deep breathing and slow, flowing movements to enhance relaxation and improve balance. Ai Chi can be particularly beneficial for individuals looking to reduce stress and improve mental well-being.

In addition to water aerobics and Ai Chi, another popular modality in aquatic therapy is water resistance exercises. These exercises involve using equipment such as foam dumbbells or aquatic resistance bands to strengthen muscles while working against the resistance of the water. Water resistance exercises can be customized to target specific muscle groups and are often used in rehabilitation programs for individuals recovering from injuries or surgery. The resistance provided by water helps build muscle strength without putting excessive strain on the joints, making it a safe and effective option for many individuals.

Aquatic Therapy for Children

Aquatic therapy has proven to be highly beneficial for children, especially those facing developmental disabilities. The buoyancy of water provides a supportive environment for children to improve their motor skills and coordination. The resistance of water helps to strengthen muscles and enhance overall physical strength in a fun and engaging manner. Children often find aquatic therapy enjoyable, which can lead to increased motivation and participation in therapy sessions.

Moreover, aquatic therapy can also be beneficial for children who have sensory processing issues. The unique sensory input provided by the water can help children regulate their sensory systems and improve their attention and focus. Additionally, the calming effect of water can help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation in children with sensory sensitivities. Overall, aquatic therapy offers a holistic approach to addressing the needs of children with various developmental challenges.

Developmental Disabilities

Aquatic therapy has been shown to be particularly beneficial for children with developmental disabilities. The water's buoyancy helps support their bodies, making movements easier and more comfortable. This can lead to improvements in muscle strength, coordination, and flexibility. Additionally, the sensory input from the water can help children with sensory processing issues regulate their responses and improve their overall sensory integration.

The warm water in aquatic therapy pools can also help relax muscles, reducing muscle spasms and stiffness commonly experienced by children with developmental disabilities. The gentle resistance of the water can aid in strengthening muscles without putting excessive strain on joints. Overall, aquatic therapy offers a safe and enjoyable environment for children with developmental disabilities to work on their physical abilities and achieve developmental milestones.

Aquatic Therapy for Athletes

Aquatic therapy for athletes is gaining popularity as a valuable form of cross-training and injury prevention. The buoyancy of water provides a low-impact environment for athletes to engage in exercises that can improve strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance. By utilizing the resistance of the water, athletes can enhance their overall performance and reduce the risk of injuries commonly associated with high-impact sports.

Furthermore, aquatic therapy allows athletes to continue their training even when injured, as the water's buoyancy supports the body, reducing the strain on joints and muscles. This can help athletes maintain their fitness levels and facilitate a quicker recovery process. Additionally, the hydrostatic pressure of water can aid in reducing inflammation and promoting circulation, which can expedite the healing of injuries. Ultimately, aquatic therapy provides athletes with a unique and effective way to enhance their physical conditioning and recover from injuries, allowing them to stay on top of their game.

Injury Rehabilitation

Aquatic therapy has emerged as a highly effective method for injury rehabilitation. The buoyancy of water reduces the impact on muscles and joints, allowing for gentle yet effective exercises that promote healing and recovery. This therapy is particularly beneficial for individuals with sports-related injuries, as the water provides a supportive environment for targeted exercises to rebuild strength and flexibility.

Moreover, aquatic therapy offers a unique opportunity for individuals recovering from injuries to engage in exercises that may not be possible on land. The resistance provided by the water helps to strengthen muscles and improve range of motion without putting excessive strain on the injury. By incorporating a variety of aquatic exercises, rehabilitation specialists can tailor a program to target specific muscle groups and work towards restoring functionality and mobility for individuals on the path to recovery.


What is the difference between hydrotherapy and aquatic therapy?

Hydrotherapy typically involves using water for therapeutic purposes, focusing on water temperature and pressure, whereas aquatic therapy involves a wider range of exercises and activities in water to achieve specific therapeutic goals.

What are some different modalities used in aquatic therapy?

Some common modalities used in aquatic therapy include underwater treadmills, resistance jets, aquatic weights, and various types of buoyancy and resistance equipment.

How can aquatic therapy benefit children?

Aquatic therapy can benefit children by improving muscle strength, coordination, balance, and flexibility. It can also help children with developmental disabilities improve their motor skills and overall functional abilities.

In what ways can aquatic therapy help individuals with developmental disabilities?

Aquatic therapy can help individuals with developmental disabilities by providing a supportive environment for movement and exercise, promoting relaxation, improving sensory processing, and enhancing social interactions.

How can aquatic therapy assist athletes in injury rehabilitation?

Aquatic therapy can assist athletes in injury rehabilitation by providing a low-impact environment for exercises that can improve strength, range of motion, and cardiovascular fitness without putting excessive stress on injured body parts.